Color Inspiration

My family is visiting NYC for the weekend, so naturally we went shopping yesterday while enjoying the perfect spring weather. At Rockefeller Center we found this chocolate shop window: (please excuse the slight fuzziness – all I had was my iphone)


It’s an explosion of jewel tones, of rococo fabric and flowers – and wouldn’t it be fun to just have a table covered in every color under the sun? Forget the color schemes and coordinations: just use COLOR. Love it.

Happy Easter and Passover, everybody!

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Blue and Yellow Inspiration for Easter

For my Easter brunch table, I have the most gorgeous deep robin’s egg blue paper to use as a tablecloth. I’m going to pair it with all shades of yellow, yellow, yellow.

Blue and Yellow

Isn’t it fabulously lucky that mimosas are a light yellow? I think I might make my placecards just be pretty nametags wrapped around the stem of a champagne glass filled with a bubbly mimosa. A lovely way to arrive at a party and find your seat.

Fuchsia and Taupe Table Inspiration

Another incredibly gorgeous color palette idea from Martha Stewart, table goddess extraordinaire . . .

This fuchsia and taupe table is just lovely, especially with the sand-colored glassware and monochromatic table. The pink is so heavenly that it would work against any white or neutral tableware, which most of us have. It’s a bit reminiscent of my Rose-Colored Inspiration, and that menu would work equally well with the brighness of this fuchsia table.

Rose-Colored Inspiration

Someone lovely sent me two dozen roses today.  They’re assorted dark pink, light pink, peach and yellow, and I adore these colors together more than I expected.

I usually choose the classic monocolor bouquet when I buy roses at the market – peach roses are my favorite, with just enough pink and just enough yellow, they are frothy pieces of heaven – so this multicolor bouquet is a wonderful new bit of eye candy.  Wouldn’t they be gorgeous placed in equally colorful vases?

I would pump up the volume by placing tins like these or multicolored bud vases over a turquoise-blue tablecloth and sky-blue napkins, simply folded so they don’t compete with the eye being drawn to the centerpieces.  It would be a table joyously about color.

On a table this colorful, we have to make sure the food doesn’t clash.  I’m thinking of using yellows of polenta and yellow peppers, greens of vegetables or salad, pinks and blues of berries and maybe some purple eggplant.  This is a slightly unconventional menu, featuring an egg at dinner, but I feel like it goes strangely well with the burst of color on the table.

Menu for a Rose-Colored Table

Dinner Party of Blue, White and Chocolate

I was preoccupied with Payback Time last week and didn’t tell you all about my dinner party! It was my dad and I, a good friend of mine from home and her parents, who were also good friend with my parents back in the day. Clear?! Ha.

I got excited about this blue, white and chocolate color scheme, and bought this gorgeous paper at the paper store around the corner with which to wrap vases for the table.


Which I filled with fluffy white flowers and paired with blue-silver placemats.


I made simple placecards out of gorgeous chocolate-colored paper and a white gel pen.


And placed them inside a napkin envelope – which I didn’t iron! I ran out of time. There was nothing to do but just go with the wrinkly look and hope it worked in a casual way.


I think it worked okay. It’s the least complicated table I’ve designed in a while, and I liked the minimalist simplicity that it had.

I’ll post the menu and recipes soon!

Wealthy in Time

Tim Ferriss, who wrote The 4-Hour Workweek, has a great eponymous blog subtitled “Experiments in Lifestyle Design” – which is a fantastic way of saying that you aren’t locked into your life. When it’s time to change, change.

Mr. Ferriss posted video of Rolf Potts, who wrote Vagabonding about long-term travel, giving a speech about principles of travel that also apply to life at home. His primary idea is to think of wealth as time – time to do exactly what you want, time to spend with loved ones, time to enjoy yourself. I’ve always thought of having financial wealth as a tool for creating time and options, and his point just skips the middleman. Wealth = time. I recommend watching the video, it’s worth five minutes of your day.

I’m particularly struck by this thought right now, I think, because I’m about to graduate from grad school and trying to decide what I want to do with myself. There’s a world of possibilities and huge change is intrinsic to every option. It’s just one of those times in life, which seem to come along every few years for me, when a huge upheaval is circumstantially necessary – and I’m actually feeling pretty ready for it.

For me, wealth and time means being able to spend time with people I love doing something I love – which is, many times, having people over and cooking for them. It doesn’t have to be a huge deal, and (while I know I spend lots of money and time on special little ridiculous tablescapes becauase I enjoy it so much) all you need is some food on a plate and people you like to have a great evening. Simplicity works and baggage just weighs you down; not only in design, but in the rest of life.


In this vein, my father’s book Payback Time is coming out tomorrow, and the entire point of the book is that we can all create enough wealth for ourselves that we don’t have to depend on anyone else and can do whatever we like with our time.

I’m devoting BB&B this week to a series of menus based on Payback Time, from an elaborate dinner to appetizers for someone who would rather spend their precious time doing something other than cooking. Investing is usually a solitary activity, but talking about ideas with other people can not only make it a lot more fun, it can generate ideas you might not have ever come across. At it’s heart, this blog is about doing what you love, and I hope these ideas will inspire you to find the time (and wealth) to do what you love.

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